
Full listing of all the weapons you will get to use.

You can share your ammo from most weapons with other players with the dropammo command. H is a good key to put this on.


  1. Melee / tools
  2. Single-hand guns
  3. Double-hand guns
  4. Special weapons
  5. Disposable weapons
  6. Heavy weapons
  7. Biological weapons

Melee / tools

  • Primary fire: Beat
  • Secondary fire: Toggle electricity on/off (donors only)
  • Tertiary fire: Throw crowbar
  • Ammo: None

The half-life crowbar has been improved in Sven Co-op. Donors gain the special feature to add electric damage to their crowbar. The electric crowbar is powered through your HEV armor battery and will drain power from that source every time you successfully hit a player, ally, or enemy.

  • Tip With the electricity on you also beat objects faster, but keep an eye on your HEV power
  • Note The new tertiary fire, where you throw your crowbar hard, is bound to MOUSE3 (middle button) by default. The command for this is +alt1
Pipe wrench
  • Primary fire: Club / repair
  • Secondary fire: Power swing
  • Ammo: None

The wrench is similar to the crowbar, but swings at a much slower rate. However, it does much more damage. Use the power swing to get especially heavy swings.

  • Tip The longer you hold power swing before releasing, the more powerful the swing will be. There is a limit though
  • Note The pipe wrench can now repair your turrets, both sentry and mounted. It can also revive them
Pipe wrench
  • Primary fire: Heal
  • Secondary fire: Revive
  • Ammo: Health points (self-generating)

The medkit is designed to help keep your teammates alive through the worst that can be thrown at them. Simply move close to a player that needs healing, and "fire" the medkit at them to instantly heal 10 health points. The medkit will be emptied quickly if lots of people need healing, but it will slowly recharge itself. You can also refill it quickly using wall-mounted health chargers once your own health is full.

To revive a dead player or friendly NPC, your medkit will need to have at least 50 health points stored. Get close to the other player or NPC and use the secondary fire to revive them.

  • Note You cannot heal yourself with the medkit. Instead you will need to use the medic command (press Z) to call for assistance. If you are dead, you can still use the medic command to notify other players that you are in need of revival
  • Note You can only revive players and NPC's that haven't been gibbed (body ripped apart to pieces). Conversely, you cannot call to be revived once you have been gibbed
Barnacle grapple
  • Primary fire: Launch tongue
  • Secondary fire: Toggle between pull/rappel mode
  • Ammo: None

The Barnacle is used to help players reach areas that are too high to jump. It can only attach to players, certain monsters, and certain Xen surfaces (as shown on the right).

The way the Barnacle grapple works is defined by the map creator. On some maps, it will only attach to small monsters. On others, it will pull monsters to you instead of the other way around.

Unique to the Sven Co-op version of the Barnacle grapple, players can either be pulled by the grapple, or be dropped slowly (rappel), depending on what mode is chosen.

Finally, the Barnacle grapple can also be used to eat monsters similar to a regular Barnacle. The difference is the grapple is much smaller, thus takes much longer to kill an enemy. This bite is only effective against very small monsters, such as headcrabs.

  • Note You can grapple onto your fellow players allowing you to, for example, boost another player onto a ledge then grapple up to the ledge yourself. Alternately, if you were on a ledge above a deep cavern, you could grapple onto a player and rappel to the bottom. You could even use the barnacle to hold onto another player as he swings through a tricky grapple course
  • Tip You can swap between Rappel and Pull modes while the barnacle is attached to a surface, this allows you to bungee
Barnacle grapple
Barnacle grapple textures

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Single-hand guns

9mm pistol
  • Primary fire: Single shot
  • Secondary fire: Rapid fire
  • Ammo: 9mm

The 9mm pistol is the most accurate when firing single shots. Rapid fire is faster, but also very inaccurate only useful for very close enemies.

9mm pistol
.357 magnum
  • Primary fire: Single shot
  • Secondary fire: Toggle mini zoom scope on/off
  • Ammo: .50

The magnum provides 6 very powerful shots with decent accuracy, but suffers slow rate of fire, high recoil, slow reloading times.

.357 magnum
  • Primary fire: Automatic fire
  • Secondary fire: Toggle between single/akimbo uzi
  • Ammo: 9mm

The uzi is a very fast submachine gun with a 32 round clip that does a lot of damage very quickly, however your ammo is used up very fast.

Doubled up you get twice the fire power, but twice the reload time.

  • Tip Akimbo uzis can only be acquired by special akimbo uzi items, or picking up someone elses uzi
  • Note The gold uzis shown are only available to donors, and do considerably more damage than the standard grey ones. Donors can choose to use the grey ones, but still with the power level of the gold uzis
Desert eagle
  • Primary fire: Single shot
  • Secondary fire: Toggle laser pointer on/off
  • Ammo: .50

The desert eagle is a powerful pistol, but rather inaccurate in single fire mode.

You can increase the accuracy considerably by enabling the barrel-mounted laser pointer at the cost of a slower fire rate.

The rate of fire and accuracy is better than the .357 magnum and offers 7 shots, however less powerful.

Desert eagle

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Double-hand guns

MP5A3 submachine gun
  • Primary fire: Automatic fire
  • Secondary fire: Toggle zoom scope on/off
  • Ammo: 9mm

The MP5A3 is a light submachine gun, which holds 30 round clips. It has a mounted scope for zooming and a relatively high rate of fire. That and the low reloading time makes it an effective assault weapon.

MP5A3 submachine gun
SPAS-12 shotgun
  • Primary fire: Single shot
  • Secondary fire: Automatic fire
  • Ammo: Shells

The SPAS-12 shotgun offers very powerful blasts in single or automatic fire of 8 rounds. Automatic fire (gas operated) takes only a matter of seconds in to use all 8 shells, making it an extremely powerful weapon. It takes a little longer to reload, so make sure you have enough cover to do so. Automatic mode is also less accurate than single shots.

SPAS-12 shotgun
  • Primary fire: Single shot
  • Secondary fire: Toggle zoom scope on/off
  • Ammo: Bolts

The crossbow is a long-range stealth weapon holding 5 bolts. It hardly makes noise and has a mounted scope for long range attacks.

While not using the zoom, bolts will explode when hitting something solid. Bolts never explode when the crossbow is zoomed, or if a bolt hits a target.

This weapon will also fire underwater, making it the best weapon to use against Ichthyosaur.

M16 assault rifle with M203 grenade launcher
  • Primary fire: 3-round burst fire
  • Secondary fire: Prepare/fire grenade
  • Ammo: 5.56mm / assault rifle grenades

The M16 is the grunts' standard issue, not always with a grenade launcher.

The players' M16 will always have a grenade launcher. To use it, press secondary fire to insert a grenade into the barrel, then press secondary fire again when you're ready to launch it.

An M16 round consists of 30 5.56mm bullets fired in 3-round bursts. 10 assault rifle grenades can be held, but only 1 inside the grenade launcher at a time.

M16 assault rifle with M203 grenade launcher

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Special weapons

Rocket propelled grenade launcher
  • Primary fire: Fire rocket
  • Secondary fire: Toggle laser guide on/off
  • Ammo: Rockets

The RPG is a good weapon for armoured targets like helicopters, tanks and Gargantuas.

Secondary fire will enable the laser guidance system to alter the course of the rocket in flight.

  • Warning Remember that the rocket is thrown upwards roughly half a metre before firing forward. Keep this in mind when aiming rockets down small spaces
Rocket propelled grenade launcher
Gauss gun
  • Primary fire: Single shot
  • Secondary fire: Highly charged shot
  • Ammo: Gauss battery module

The gauss gun is an experimental weapon fabricated in the Black Mesa Research Facility. Primary fire is an energy beam. You can charge up the weapon for a more powerful shot by holding secondary fire.

There is a very high knock back from maximum charged shots. Most maps will allow this knock back to allow the player to jump to much higher areas.

  • Tip Charged up shots will always provide a knock back, however it's mapper decision whether to allow vertical knock back
  • Warning Don't charge up the gauss gun for too long; it will overcharge and backfire at the wielder
Gauss gun
Gluon gun
  • Primary fire: Fire continuous beam
  • Secondary fire: None
  • Ammo: Gauss battery module

Just like the gauss, the gluon gun is an experimental weapon. Firing it will create a powerful beam, which can be used to quickly sweep an area.

  • Warning If you fire too close to a target or solid, the beam will also hurt you very quickly. Maintain roughly 2 metres from anything you fire at
Gluon gun
Hornet gun
  • Primary fire: Single shot, homing
  • Secondary fire: Rapid fire, straight
  • Ammo: Hornets (self-generating)

Stripped from an alien grunt, the player can use this weapon to fire up to 100 live hornets. Primary fire will launch a homing hornet that will seek it's target, where as secondary fire will launch hornets in quick succession directly where the player is aiming.

Hornets are slowly reproduced, though 50% slower than before due to the higher hornet holding limit.

Hornet gun

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Disposable weapons

Hand grenade
  • Primary fire: Throw a grenade
  • Secondary fire: Throw a banana bomb

Simple hand grenades with a 4 second fuse. The fuse starts as soon as you press down on primary fire.

If you hold primary fire, the fuse will remain active in your hand. This is handy for thowing shorter fuse grenades at enemies that traditionally avoid them.

  • Note The banana bomb is 10 grenades in 1, thus you require 10 grenades to throw one. The fuse on banana bombs only start once they leave your hand
Hand grenade
Satchel charge
  • Primary fire: Throw a satchel / detonate planted satchels
  • Secondary fire: Throw additional satchel

The Satchel Charge can be used to ambush enemies or plan multiple explosions. Throw it on the ground, step back and detonate it with a remote control.

  • Tip You can pick up your own satchels that you plant by using them
  • Tip You can kick anyones satchels around by walking into them and dragging them along the floor, or jumping to kick them up high
Satchel charge
  • Primary fire: Plant mine
  • Secondary fire: None

Tripmines can be planted on floors, walls or ceilings. Within a second of its placement it will activate itself and emit a beam. As as soon someone or something touches the beam, the tripmine will explode.

Trip mine
  • Primary fire: Throw snark
  • Secondary fire: None, or is it? ;)

The extremely nippy snark can be gathered from it's nest and used as a weapon. Release a snark and it will pursue the first unfriendly tasty thing it can find.

Snarks thrown by players will never attack other players or allies.


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Heavy duty weapons

M40a1 sniper rifle
  • Primary fire: Single shot
  • Secondary fire: Toggle zoom scope on/off
  • Ammo: M40a1 clip, aka 7.62mm

A powerful manual weapon with a slow rate of fire, the M40a1 is a standard sniper rifle.

  • Note In Sven Co-op the M40a1 does more damage than in Opposing Force, but is very inaccurate when not zoomed in
M40a1 sniper rifle
M249 SAW
  • Primary fire: Automatic fire
  • Secondary fire: None
  • Ammo: 5.56mm

The M249 SAW (squad automatic weapon) is a powerful machine gun with a high firing rate and damage. It can be used to provide supporting fire for teammates. It has a belt of 200 5.56mm rounds, but suffers high reload time.

  • Note The SAW has such a high recoil that it will knock the player backward while firing
M249 SAW
M134 minigun
  • Primary fire: Spin with automatic fire
  • Secondary fire: Spin without firing
  • Ammo: 5.56mm

The most powerful weapon available to players, the minigun is capable of easily cutting through hordes of monsters with a fast stream of bullets. The minigun can be spun-up/kept spinning by holding using the secondary fire button. Pressing the fire button in this mode will make the minigun fire straight away, without the need for the initial spin-up.

While holding the minigun, players are a lot slower, unable to jump, and unable to change weapons. You must drop the minigun to be able to select another weapon (set a key to drop weapon in the control options, or bind any key to drop).

The minigun offers a continuous belt of 5.56mm rounds without the need to reload.

  • Note Players must pick up a minigun by using one on the ground rather than simply walking over one
  • Note The minigun cannot be fired while the player is on a ladder
  • Tip When a heavy weapons grunt is killed, his minigun is dropped and is available for a player to pick up
  • Tip Accuracy is dramatically improved by crouching while firing
  • Warning While using the minigun a lone player is extremely vulnerable. The minigun must be used as a support weapon, with other players defending the minigunner and/or distracting enemies until the minigun can be spun up

Biological weapons

Spore launcher
  • Primary fire: Short shot
  • Secondary fire: Long shot
  • Ammo: Spores

A creature from race X that fires spores from it's mouth also thrown by shock troopers. The spore creates a large acid splash on explosion.

The spores will bounce for a distance, then stop. They explode on player/NPC contact or after 4 seconds of being fired.

This artilary support weapon is best used in open spaces to avoid hurting yourself.

  • Info Spores can be picked up from a small plant that creates them, but be aware that the plants don't like harsh treatment
  • Warning The acid splash creates a large amount of damage. Be sure to stay clear of spores when they explode
  • Warning Bouncing spores could bounce right back and explode in your face
Spore launcher
Shock rifle
  • Primary fire: Electic burst
  • Secondary fire: Tripple lightning bolt
  • Ammo: Electricity (non-replenishable)

A shock roach from race X found in the hands of shock troopers can be picked up and used by players once it leaves it's dying host.

Due to the fast self-destructing nature of shock roaches, you must drop yours to be able to select another weapon (set a key to drop weapon in the control options, or bind any key to drop).

  • Note Players must pick up a shock rifle by using one on the ground rather than simply walking over one
  • Warning The shock roach will begin to explode when it's low on charge. Throw it away when you notice it exploding or you will get hurt
Shock rifle

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