
Full listing of all the enemies you will encounter (and kill) throughout your adventures:


  1. Xen
  2. Race X
  3. Human
  4. Mechanical


  • Class: Alien monster
  • Threat: Very low
  • Weapons: None
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Cannon fodder
  • Tip The leech is too small and fast to be shot. Use your crowbar to take them down
Baby headcrab
  • Class: Alien prey
  • Threat: Very low
  • Weapons: None
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip Baby headcrabs can be dangerous in large groups. Use your crowbar to wipe them out
Baby headcrab
  • Class: Alien prey
  • Threat: Low
  • Weapons: None
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Ambush
  • Tip Headcrabs will often hide in dark corners and air vents and wait till their prey walks by
  • Class: Alien monster
  • Threat: Low
  • Weapons: None
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Ambush
  • Information Zombies come in 3 flavours: scientists, security guards, or army soldiers
  • Tip Zombies are slow. With some skill you can kill them with the crowbar and save ammo
  • Note Zombies are humans who have been attacked by a headcrab. Zombiefied soldiers and Barneys are stronger and faster than the regular scientist zombie
  • Class: Alien predator
  • Threat: Low
  • Weapons: None
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Attack
  • Note The Stukabat can contaminate players with it's acid claw, gradually killing it's victim
  • Class: Alien monster (its' class in combat is often ignored until it has prey)
  • Threat: Medium
  • Weapons: None
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Ambush
  • Tip Barnacles are completely defenseless other than it's mouth. Simply walking around a tongue where possible is better than wasting ammo
  • Warning The tongue has a very firm grip. Players will not be able to reach for their weapons once caught. Other players or friendly NPC's will have to save you from a certain death
  • Class: Alien bio weapon
  • Threat: Medium
  • Weapons: None
  • Special abilities: Can self-destruct into a shower of acid
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip Snarks have a short lifespan. Keep running from them and they will eventually explode
  • Tip You can use snarks as a weapon against foes by picking up snark nests
  • Note Snarks do incredible damage when fighting a single target as a group. Your crowbar can kill them quickly if it's you, however the acid explosion will hurt you
  • Warning Watch out for moving snark nests. Avoid picking them up or you're in for a nasty surprise!
  • Class: Alien monster
  • Threat: Medium
  • Weapons: Sonic wave charge
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip Houndeyes needs a couple of seconds to charge up their sonic wave attack. Use this as your advantage
  • Note They often appears in packs. Other Houndeyes will not take damage from sonic waves
  • Class: Alien predator
  • Threat: Medium
  • Weapons: Acid spit; tail whip
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip The tail whip requires half a second to spin and hit you giving you time to jump out the way, however it does incredible damage to what it hits
Alien slave (aka Vortigaunt)
  • Class: Alien monster
  • Threat: Medium
  • Weapons: Electric charge
  • Special abilities: Can revive other alien slaves
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip The electric charge can't be stopped once it starts charging. Hide behind something to prevent the charge hitting you
  • Note Alien slaves can use their electric charge to revive other slaves, however revived slaves will have 50% of their health upon revival
Alien slave (aka Vortigaunt)
Alien controller
  • Class: Alien military
  • Threat: Medium
  • Weapons: Plasma balls
  • Special abilities: Can launch large homing plasma balls
  • Role: Attack
  • Note Plasma balls do the most damage when directly hitting a target, however can still cause damage by flying near a target with an electrical shock
  • Note Alien controllers are often found in groups in large/open spaces
Alien controller
Alien grunt
  • Class: Alien military
  • Threat: High
  • Weapons: Hornet gun; swipe; snark nest grenade
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip The armour of an alien grunt has high resistance to bullets. Aim for exposed body parts
  • Note When a player gets killed by an alien grunt it will devour their dead body to regain all it's health, but only if no other threats are around
  • Warning Alien grunts can throw Snark nests at enemies, which burst upon contact with some very angry Snarks
Alien grunt
  • Class: Alien monster
  • Threat: High
  • Weapons: None
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Ambush
  • Tip Ichthyosaur don't attack anything until they become angry. This can happen by them coming into contact with prey, or being attacked/hurt. You can swim around these fish if you don't anger them
  • Tip The crossbow is super effective against these highly dangerous fish
  • Class: Alien monster
  • Threat: High
  • Weapons: Throws acidic flesh; swipe
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip Gonomes can run the same speed as players. Climb on something they can't get on to avoid their vicious swipe attack
  • Note When a player gets killed by a gonome it will devour their dead body to regain all it's health, but only if no other threats are around
  • Class: Alien monster
  • Threat: High
  • Weapons: None
  • Special abilities: Exceptional hearing
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip Tentacles are highly sensitive to sound movement. Walk around them instead of running to avoid their attention
  • Tip Explosives will cause the tentacles to temporarily fall back to their pit
  • Note Tentacles can't be killed by any weapon carried by players. An alternative method is required to kill these, although often you just have to bypass them
Baby Gargantua
  • Class: Alien monster
  • Threat: High
  • Weapons: Dual flame throwers; flame stomp
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip Unlike the regular Gargantua, the Baby Gargantua is smaller and hasn't developed a full shell yet. This makes it vulnerable to bullets
  • Tip The flame stomp knows no limits to height. Standing on a platform will not save you from it, instead move aside out it's way
Baby Gargantua
  • Class: Alien monster
  • Threat: Very high
  • Weapons: Dual flame throwers; flame stomp
  • Special abilities: Can self-destruct destroying things near it
  • Role: Attack
  • Note Gargantuas have a strong armor shell making them invulnerable to bullets. Only explosive and experimental weapons can hurt them
  • Warning Don't get too close to a Gargantua, or you're going to be their dinner! Once you're in his grip, you can't escape
  • Warning When Gargantuas are killed, they self-destruct creating a large explosion
Gonarch (aka Big Momma)
  • Class: Alien monster
  • Threat: Very high
  • Weapons: Acid blob; swipe
  • Special abilities: Can give birth to baby headcrabs
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip The Gonarch can only be damaged by attacking the large sack under it's shell
  • Tip The acid blob will poison you if it hits you. Be sure to take cover from it
  • Class: Alien military
  • Threat: Epic
  • Weapons: Claws; energy beams, homing energy orbs
  • Special abilities: Can teleport and reflect various projectiles
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip The Kingpin shield must be taken down before you can properly hurt it
  • Note The Kingpin is able to teleport around
Xen Overlord (aka Tor)
  • Class: Alien military
  • Threat: Epic
  • Weapons: Staff; swipe; sonic wave blast
  • Special abilities: Can summon alien grunts
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip The staff attack will levitate you while it saps your armor and health. Firing explosives at Tor will stop him using it
  • Tip If too many of you get too close to Tor, he will create a sonic wave blast to push you all away and dramatically hurt you all
  • Note The Xen Overlord is able to teleport alien grunts into the battle at will to do his bidding
Xen Overload (aka Tor)

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Shock roach
  • Class: Alien prey
  • Threat: Low
  • Weapons: None
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Ambush
  • Tip The shock roach has a very limited lifespan as soon it's host (the shock trooper) dies. You can pick up a live shock roach and use it as a weapon for a short while
Shock roach
Shock trooper
  • Class: Race X (shock)
  • Threat: High
  • Weapons: Electric bolts; acid spore
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip The acid spore will explode instantly if it hits prey, however takes a couple of seconds if it's on the floor
  • Tip Acid spores do incredible damage and poison their targets. Hide behind something to avoid it
  • Note When a shock trooper dies, it will drop the shock roach it was holding
Shock trooper
Pit drone
  • Class: Race X (pit drone)
  • Threat: Medium
  • Weapons: Spikes; swipe
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip Pit drones can run nearly as fast as players, however they are quite weak. A close shotgun blast will take care of them
  • Note When a player gets killed by a pit drone it will devour their dead body to regain all it's health, but only if no other threats are around
Pit drone
Baby voltigore
  • Class: Race X (shock)
  • Threat: Low
  • Weapons: Swipe
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Attack
  • Note When there are babies, the mother is usually around. Don't get too distracted
Baby voltigore
  • Class: Race X (shock)
  • Threat: High
  • Weapons: Lightning; swipe
  • Special abilities: Can self-destruct in an acid shower
  • Role: Attack
  • Warning The voltigore will self-destruct when it dies into a big acid shower, which will poison anyone caught within

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  • Class: Human military
  • Threat: Low
  • Weapons: 9mm pistol
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Defense
  • Note Barnabus is Barney's evil twin brother. He is also a security guard, but in a pretty bad temper and will fire at players on sight
  • Class: Human military
  • Threat: Low
  • Weapons: Desert eagle
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Defense
  • Note Just like Barney, Otis has an evil twin brother too. Even though they look similar, both have a weight problem and like donuts. This security guard won't help you
  • Class: Human military
  • Threat: Medium
  • Weapons: MP5; M16 with grenade launcher; Shotgun; SAW; RPG; Hand grenades; Kicking
  • Special abilities: Can call for a medic grunt for healing
  • Role: Attack
  • Note Grunts have various weapon load-outs and will work in squads effectively to take you down
Medic grunt
  • Class: Human military
  • Threat: Medium
  • Weapons: 9mm pistol; Desert eagle
  • Special abilities: Can call for a medic grunt for healing, can heal and revive other grunts
  • Role: Support
  • Tip The role of the Medic is to keep the enemy squads alive. Make sure you take him down first before engaging other grunts
Medic grunt
Torch grunt (aka Engineer)
  • Class: Human military
  • Threat: Medium
  • Weapons: Desert eagle
  • Special abilities: Can call for a medic grunt for healing, can open doors with a blowtorch
  • Role: Support
  • Tip The Torch Grunt carries a canister of pressurized gas, which is highly flammable. Aim for the canister and it will explode, taking the Torch Grunt and nearby enemies down
Torch grunt (aka Engineer)
Heavy weapons grunt
  • Class: Human military
  • Threat: High
  • Weapons: Minigun
  • Special abilities: Can call for a medic grunt for healing
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip The minigun carried is heavy, which makes him move very slowly. It also takes a second for him to spin up his weapon, use this to your advantage
  • Note The heavy weapons grunt will drop his Minigun upon death, which can be picked up and used by players
Heavy weapons grunt
Female assassin
  • Class: Human military
  • Threat: High
  • Weapons: 9mm pistol (silenced)
  • Special abilities: Very fast, high jumping, cloaking
  • Role: Assassination
  • Note The female assassin is fast and athletic, making her a deadly foe. She can leap high into the air and cloak herself making her semi-invisible
Female assassin
Male assassin
  • Class: Human military
  • Threat: High
  • Weapons: MP5; M16 with grenade launcher; Sniper rifle; Hand grenades; Martial arts
  • Special abilities: Fast, highly trained
  • Role: Assassination
  • Tip Don't let them get too close as their martial arts ability is as efficient as their weaponry
  • Note Just like the grunts, the male assassins have various load-outs. However, they are stronger, faster, and highly trained
Male assassin
  • Class: Human military
  • Threat: Very high
  • Weapons: 9mm pistol; Desert eagle; MP5; Shotgun; Minigun; Dual uzi; Sniper rifle
  • Special abilities: Fast, highly trained
  • Role: Defense
  • Note The bodyguard can wield a wide selection of weapons, making him a dangerous foe
  • Warning Bodyguards are the most elite human enemy you will encounter. Team up with players to take them down

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Sentry turret
  • Class: Machine
  • Threat: Low
  • Weapons: Machine gun
  • Special abilities: Self-destruct
  • Role: Defense
  • Tip Sentry turrets stay active once they have been triggered, but are weak. A couple of hand grenades will remove them
  • Warning Sentry turrets self-destructs upon death
Small mounted turret
  • Class: Machine
  • Threat: Medium
  • Weapons: Machine gun
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Defense
  • Tip Mounted turrets will switch off and retreat to their enclosure after not seeing a target for a minute. Use this time to run past them
  • Note The mini mounted turret can deploy and turn very fast to face targets, but it's machine gun isn't very strong
Small mounted turret
Large mounted turret
  • Class: Machine
  • Threat: High
  • Weapons: Minigun
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Defense
  • Tip Mounted turrets will switch off and retreat to their enclosure after not seeing a target for a minute. Use this time to run past them
  • Note The large mounted turret has a very powerful minigun, but is slow to deploy and turn facing targets
Large mounted turret
Robot grunt
  • Class: Machine
  • Threat: High
  • Weapons: MP5; M16; M16 with grenade launcher; Shotgun; Hand grenades; Kicking
  • Special abilities: Self-destruct
  • Role: Attack
  • Tip When robot grunts get heavily damaged it will begin to malfunction and give off random shocks, being nearby is dangerous
  • Note Robot grunts have an armoured shell that makes it partially immune to bullets. Explosives have a reasonable effect on them, but they have a particular weakness to electric and fire damage
  • Note Robot grunts are immune to long-term poisoning
  • Warning Robot grunts self-destructs upon death
Robot grunt
Apache helicopter
  • Class: Human military
  • Threat: Very high
  • Weapons: Shell cannon; twin hellfire missiles
  • Special abilities: None
  • Role: Support
  • Tip The Apache is only vulnerable to bullets at it's cockpit and rotor engines. Using an RPG is the best way to take it down
  • Warning The Apache will crash when destroyed creating a large explosion, so stay well clear
Apache helicopter
Osprey helicopter
  • Class: Machine
  • Threat: Very high
  • Weapons: None
  • Special abilities: Delivers four grunts (any type) or male assassins
  • Role: Support
  • Tip The osprey is only vulnerable at it's two large rotor engines either side. Using an RPG or SAW is the best way to take it down
  • Tip The osprey has to hover close to the ground to deliver grunts or male assassins. This is a good opportunity to damage it
  • Warning The osprey will crash when destroyed creating a large explosion, so stay well clear
  • Note Anyone repelling from the Osprey while crashing will be killed
Osprey helicopter

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