Mapping (configuration guide)

This section will go over all the settings you can use to configure how your map runs on a server.

You do not need any of this to create and play a map, but the configuration options provided can greatly help fine tune your map how you want it to be played.


  1. Configuration files
  2. Weapons & equipment
  3. Variables

Configuration files

The following files go in the maps folder along with your BSP to configure it. map-name must match your BSP map name to work. For example, if your map was volcano.bsp, your configuration file would be volcano.cfg in the same folder.

File Purpose
map-name.cfg Contains the weapons and equipment you spawn with and physics settings.
map-name_motd.txt Contains a message to show players when they join the map. Good place to put mission briefings or an objective list.
map-name_skl.cfg Contains any modifications of the default skill configuration, found in skill.cfg. Simply copy things from the default skill configuration that you want to modify.
map-name_detail.txt Contains any texture high-definition overlays. For more details on this, please see this article at TWHL.

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Weapons & equipment

In your map-name.cfg file you can put these statements inside to provide various weapons, equipment, and ammo to be provided when players spawn.

It is important that each statement is used once and once only!

Providing a weapon will also provide a small amount of the assosicated ammo with it, but not much. You should favour providing a fair amount of ammo in your configuration rather than supply rooms at the start of your map to ensure all players get an equal and fair amount of ammo.

Setting Value Description
weapon_crowbar No value for this Provide a crowbar.
weapon_wrench No value for this Provide a pipe wrench.
weapon_grapple No value for this Provide a barnacle grapple.
weapon_glock No value for this Provide a 9mm pistol.
weapon_357 No value for this Provide a .357 magnum.
weapon_uzi No value for this Provide an uzi.
weapon_uziakimbo No value for this Provide two uzis.
DO NOT USE WITH WEAPON_UZI! Use one or the other.
weapon_eagle No value for this Provide a desert eagle.
weapon_shotgun No value for this Provide a SPAS-12 shotgun.
weapon_mp5 No value for this Provide an MP5a3 submachine gun.
weapon_m16 No value for this Provide an M16 assault rifle with the M203 grenade launcher.
weapon_crossbow No value for this Provide a crossbow.
weapon_rpg No value for this Provide a rocket propelled grenade launcher.
weapon_gauss No value for this Provide a gauss gun.
weapon_egon No value for this Provide a gluon gun.
weapon_hornetgun No value for this Provide a hornet gun.
weapon_handgrenade No value to provide 1, or specify the number of hand grenade packs to provide (value x5). Provide 5 hand grenades.
weapon_satchel No value to provide 1, or specify the number of satchel charges to provide. Provide a satchel charge.
weapon_tripmine No value to provide 1, or specify the number of tripmines to provide. Provide a tripmine.
weapon_snark No value to provide 1, or specify the number of snark nests to provide (value x5). Provide 5 snarks (1 snark nest).
weapon_sniperrifle No value for this Provide a M40a1 sniper rifle.
weapon_saw No value for this Provide a M249 saw.
weapon_sporelauncher No value for this Provide a spore launcher.
nomedkit No value for this Do not provide a medkit.
nosuit No value for this Do not provide a hazard suit (will disable the entire HEV and flashlight), not recommended!
item_longjump No value for this Provide a long jump module.
starthealth 1 to 999 Amount of health to provide. This also becomes the maximum you can obtain from health kits, wall health kits, and being healed.
startarmor 0 to 999 Amount of HEV battery power (armour) to provide. This also becomes the maximum you can obtained from batteries and HEV chargers.
ammo_9mm Number of clips. Provide 9mm ammo clips (17 rounds). Used by the 9mm pistol, uzis, and MP5 submachine gun.
ammo_357 Number of clips. Provide .357 ammo clips (6 rounds). Used by the .357 magnum and desert eagle.
ammo_buckshot Number of boxes. Provide shell boxes (12 rounds). Used by the shotgun.
ammo_556 Number of clips. Provide 5.56mm ammo clips (200 rounds). Used by the M16 assault rifle, SAW, and minigun.
ammo_ARgrenades (case sensitive) Number of assault rifle grenade pairs. Provide two assault rifle grenades. Used by the M16's M203 grenade launcher.
ammo_crossbow Number of clips. Provide bolt clips (5 bolts). Used by the crossbow.
ammo_gaussclip Number of modular batteries. Provide gauss/gluon battery modules (20 charge units). Used by the guass gun and gluon gun.
ammo_rpgclip Number of rocket pairs. Provide rocket packs (2 rockets). Used by the RPG.
ammo_762 Number of clips. Provide 7.62mm ammo clips (5 rounds). Used by the sniper rifle.
ammo_sporeclip Number of spores. Provide a spore. Used by the spore launcher.
Alternative weapon modes
weaponmode_wrench 0 or 1 Enable this to remove the power swing
weaponmode_9mmhandgun 0 or 1 Enable this for the secondary function to add/remove a silencer
weaponmode_357 0 or 1 Enable this to remove the scope
weaponmode_mp5 0 or 1 Enable this to remove the scope
weaponmode_shotgun 0 or 1 Enable this for the secondary function to be a classic double blast (as in HLDM)
weaponmode_crossbow 0 or 1 Enable this to remove explosive bolts
weaponmode_m16 0 or 1 Enable this to remove the grenade launcher
weaponmode_rpg 0 or 1 Enable this to remove the laser sight

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Setting Default value Description
skill 1 The skill level your map will run on.
  1. Easy, enemies are easy to kill, players are hard to kill
  2. Hard, enemies are hard to kill, players are easy to kill
  3. Realistic, enemies are easy to kill, players are very easy to kill. Enables realistic weapon damage
Ideally you should not use this setting at all so servers can specify how hard they want their game to be. Please consider catering your map to suit all 3 skill levels with a skill configuration file.
sv_accelerate 10 The speed players accellerate while on ground.
sv_airaccelerate 10 The speed players accellerate while in the air.
sv_airmove 1 Allow players to change movement direction mid-air.
sv_friction 4 The amount of friction created by the ground.
sv_gravity 800 The amount of gravity (maximum units/second).
sv_maxspeed 270 The speed players can run on ground -- exluding aid from various triggers and effects (explosions etc) that can allow players to move faster.
sv_maxvelocity 2048 The speed players can be moved by force (trigger_push, explosions, etc).
sv_wateraccelerate 10 The speed players accellerate while underwater.
sv_waterfriction 1 Whether friction also applies to water.
mp_allowmonsterinfo 1 Allow monster information HUD messages.
mp_banana 1 Allow players to throw banana bombs.
mp_disable_autoclimb 0 Deny players to use the auto-climb feature.
mp_disable_player_rappel 0 Deny players to use the Barnacle grapple on each other.
mp_disablegaussjump 0 Disable vertical knock back caused by the gauss cannon's charge up shot. This can sometimes be used to exploit maps or get places players aren't meant to go. This is a direct copy of mp_allowgaussjump, which for some reason got inverted in Sven Co-op 3.0.
mp_dropweapons 1 Allow players to drop weapons and ammo. Miniguns and shock rifles can always be dropped.
mp_falldamage 1 Use realistic fall damage. If disabled, when players get hurt from falling they will always lose 10 health points.
mp_flashlight 1 Allow players to use their flashlight.
mp_fraglimit 0 Map changes after someone obtains this many frags. Currently obsolete in Sven Co-op.
mp_grapple_mode 1 Players are pulled to monsters bigger than headcrabs when grappled rather than the monster being pulled to a player.
mp_multiplespawn 1 No anti-telefrag behaviour is required for respawning. If you switch this off the actual player respawn position will be shifted up to 92 units away from where the respawn point actually is, to help prevent telefragging.
mp_no_akimbo_uzis 0 Deny players to have akimbo uzis. This may help balance power on some maps or large player capacities.
mp_noblastgibs 0 Deny monsters to be gibbed (ripped apart) when killed with explosives.
mp_npckill 2 Set the behaviour of killing allied NPC's. This replaces the old killnpc setting.
  • 0.  Disallows allied NPC's to be killed
  • 1.  Allows allied NPC's to be killed
  • 2.  Allows allied NPC's to be killed by anything other than players, allied NPC's, and human passive class
mp_respawndelay 5 The time (seconds) a player must wait before respawning. This is 5 seconds by default to help encourage use of the new reviving feature.
mp_timelimit 60 Map changes after this amount of time (minutes) if the map hasn't been completed already.
mp_weaponstay 1 Weapons can be picked up multiple times, with the exception of miniguns. Disabling this will result in a couple of players taking all the weapons leaving others with nothing.

For security reasons map configurations can only use settings for altering physics and game play. For example, you can't modify the server or RCON password from your map config, but you can modify the gravity or maximum running speed.

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